
The Cooks

We are real life sisters and self-proclaimed foodies. We share a passion for good food made with fresh ingredients.  We also work to have frugal and healthy kitchens. We love to cook, bake, entertain, and create.  Welcome to our corner of the web – we hope you stay awhile!

8316_154007177448_533922448_2658352_1325236_nAlaina (Blog Co-Founder, Administrator & Contributor)- Alaina is a wife and mother of four children. She learned to cook at a very young age but developed a real love and passion for food when working at a living history museum and cooking on a hearth. She comes from a family that enjoys food and celebrating around the table.

Opening a small restaurant, being a food critic, writing cookbooks, and creating a state-of-the-art home kitchen are a few of Alaina's culinary dreams. In the mean time, she enjoys cultivating discerning palates in her young children, creating recipes, exploring the cuisine of her childrens' birthplaces, reading cookbooks and food memoirs, and entertaining.

Her other interests include spending time with her husband, playing with her kids, playing fantasy football, watching movies, attempting to become a runner, and making memories with her family. She is also a homeschooling mom and a part-time dental hygienist.

Stephanie (Administrator & Contributor) - Stephanie is a wife and experiments regularly with gluten-free cooking. Her husband has Celiac's disease which has given her an opportunity to delve into new areas of cooking and baking. She grew up in a large family that enjoyed celebrating with food, and as the second oldest, she got her fair share of experience in the kitchen learning to cook and bake.

Finding healthy, delicious recipes that meet the dietary needs of her family are important to Stephanie. She regularly reads different cookbooks and blogs for ideas and inspiration.

When not in the kitchen, Stephanie loves to read, take hatha yoga classes, try new foods, watch movies, spend time with her husband, and she aspires to write a book or two some day. Her day job is working as a librarian.

8316_154007297448_533922448_2658367_3718751_nHeather (Blog Co-Founder & Former Contributor)

Heather is a wife and mother of five children. Her love of food and cooking began at a young age, immersed in an extended family that made food a central part of family gatherings, whether simple or gourmet. Heather was a co-founder of the blog and you will find her recipes mostly in the 2009-2010 archives.

While the needs of her family and life have moved her on from the blog, we are thankful for her vision and contributions to the site!


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